
This chart maps cinema zooms’ focal lengths against their speed. It only features lenses designed to cover the full frame format and above. A similar chart for Super 35 lenses can be found here.

How To Use This Chart

Hover over any point to highlight and show the manufacturer, name, focal length and aperture.

Y-Axis (T-stop)
Click and drag on the main graph window to scroll up and down. Use your mouse wheel or a two-finger pinch/squeeze to zoom in and out.

X-Axis (focal length)
The range slider below the chart shows a thumbnail of the full chart. Use use the handles to zoom in and out, plus click and drag the selected range to scroll left and right.

The chart is best viewed on a desktop/laptop rather than mobile devices, or at the very least, in landscape orientation.

Performance Notes

There are a number of features and improvements I wish to make to this chart, however many of which are currently not possible – this is down to inherent limitations of the graphing engine.

The speed and responsiveness of the chart is at present, slow. This is due to the number of points that must be checked when retrieving the corresponding data every time a point is hovered over. At present, there isn’t a more efficient way to do this. Please be patient with the chart!

I have also disabled a feature in which the highlighted point is brought to the front, as this has a significant impact on the chart’s speed. Therefore some points will remain behind others, even when highlighted.